Al-kisah II at recrational park, the tales between mom and her son continued to be told......
"One... Two.. Three.. Four.. Five .. Six.. Seven and Eight.. Ehh.. why u suddenly stop.. This is just the beginning of our workout.. Come on young man.. Three.. Four.. Five .. Six.. Seven and eight.."
"huh.. huh.. huh.. I already tired mom.. I need to rest.."
"No no u can't... We still need to complete 5 minutes of warm up.. Fuh... Fuh.. Five.. Six.. Seven and eight.."
~~ A few seconds before reaching the estimate 5 minutes of warm up ~~
"huhhhhhh...... huuhhh.... hahaha.. finally, it's time for me to rest.. I need to sit a while mom... "
"ok.. i'm giving u 30 seconds of rest before we continue the next step of workout.."
"Whattt.. only 30 seconds.. Wanna die already.."
"You young man don't give excuse to me .. I'm old already but my fitness far better than you.. Nowadays, young generation just sit at chair and playing computer games. Some enjoyed their couch potatoes watching movies with frens. They don't know how to sweat a lot.. At my younger day, we always do outdoor activities in order making ourself healthy.. But, you .."
"okok la mom.. It's already over 30 seconds just to listen you babbling."
"Hahah.. now u know it. We will have an alternate 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of walking for about 20 minutes... Then we will have a good rest at home.. Let's ..."
"Mom ... Waitt.. Err.. Er.. Am i wrongly listened that we will have 20 minutes of walking and jogging alternately non-stop.."
"Nope.. You listened it correctly.. I used COUCH TO 5K application by iPhone4. This workout training coach will help us get into shape using the C25K system, a series of interval workouts, each about 30 minutes, spanning 9 weeks, culminating in our ability to run 5 km without stopping or walking. Then after we complete the 30minutes of the workout, we will have a yoga fitness using the YOGA STRETCH application. With the preloaded session and relaxing music, this is the perfect combination for us to keep healthy.. All this application is inside application for Works Out which available to be download at iTunes App Store.. Ok.. Let's continue our workout.."
"Aishhh.. i already forgot that you just bought a new iPhone4 by DIGI.. mommmm.. I WANT ONE !!!!! "
~~ Then the tales will continue until next entry ~~
2 years ago
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